Scientific direction of the department of business management on the state budget topics:
Theme 1: «Study and forecasting of economic transformations of business structures in Ukraine»
Scientific adviser: Doctor of Economics, Assoc. Basyurkina N.Y.
Theme 2: “Investment Mechanisms of Regional Structural Transformations in Agribusiness”
Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Assoc. Turlenko NV
Scientific achievements of the Department of Business Management
In the recent period, the Department of Business Management performed a complex of scientific works, the most significant achievements are the following:
Doctoral dissertation defense
1. Basyurkina N.Y. Methodology of development of agro-industrial associations for ensuring food security of Ukraine: diss. Doctor of Economics. Sciences: 08.00.03. – NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Market Problems and Economic Ecology. research. NAS of Ukraine. – Odessa, 2015.
2. Melikh OO Adaptive strategy of territorial production optimization and economic development of the food industry of the region: theory, methodology, practice: diss. Doctor of Economics. Sciences: 08.00.05. – Odessa. nat. Acad. food. technologies. – Odessa, 2015.
3. Lyko OI Theoretical and methodological principles of regulation of transformation of the investment system of Ukraine: diss. Doctor of Economics. Sciences: 08.00.03. – NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Market Problems and Economic Ecology. research. NAS of Ukraine. – Odessa, 2015.
Candidate thesis defense
Under the direction of Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Basyurkina N. two employees of the department defended their dissertations:
1. Konstantinova TV Improvement of mechanisms of strategic planning in the system of management of activity of food enterprises: dis. Cand. econom. Sciences: 08.00.04. – Odessa. nat. Acad. food. technologies. – Odessa, 2019.
2. Shaleniy VA Risk management of bakery enterprises operating activity: diss. Cand. econom. Sciences: 08.00.04. – Odessa. nat. Acad. food. technologies. – Odessa, 2019
1. Efficiency of utilization of the innovation-investment potential of the food business / ed. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Yu.O. Brovkina, Odessa: Phoenix, 2020. – 151 p.
2. Innovative-investment development of business structures in Ukraine / ed. Doctor of Economics N.Y. Basyurkina, Odessa: Phoenix, 2019. – 263 p.
3. Economic transformations of business structures in Ukraine / ed. Doctor of Economics N.Y. Basyurkina. – Odessa: Phoenix, 2018. – 278 p.
4. The attractiveness of the food business in Ukraine / ed. Doctor of Economics N.Y. Basyurkina. – Odessa: Phoenix, 2017. – 285 p.
1. Gorbachenko SA Basyurkina N.Y. Design Analysis / K: Condor Publishing House, 2019. – 324 p.
2. Basyurkina NY, Vigurzhinskaya S.Yu., Svistun TV Enterprise Economics: Educ. guide / Odessa, ONAKHT, 2017.
3. Savchenko TV Strategic management: a textbook for students of educational and qualification level “bachelor” in the specialty “Management” / Energodar: EIDMU “KPU”, 2019. – 152 p.
Scientific publications outside Ukraine, incl. which are included in Scopus science web bases, Web of Science
1. Basyurkina NY, Nemchenko VV, Nemchenko GV Food security and problems of food enterprise management
(Food Security and Food Management Problems) Strategic Management: Global Trends and National Peculiarities. – Collective monograph. – Poland: Baltic Publishing Publishing House, 2019. – 712 p., 594-605 p.
2. Savchenko T., BasiurkinaN., Rodina O., Kwilinski A. Improvement of the estimation methods of product competitiveness of specialized poultry enterprises // Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development. 2019. Vol. 41. No. 1: 7-18 (Web of Science).
3. Karpinska N. Directions of innovative and technological modernization of industrial enterprises in Ukraine // European Journal of Economics and Management. Volume 5. Issue 4. 2019. P.71-77.
4. Gorbachenko SA The importance of innovative projects for the development of the Ukrainian maritime complex. 2019. № 6 (46) part 1. P. 14-18
5. Nemchenko VV, Nemchenko GV Management of food businesses in the context of food quality assurance. / Prague, European Journal of Economics and Management Scientific Economic Journal T.5, Issue 3
6. Konstantinova TV, Walery Okulicz-Kozaryn Assessment by Odessa students of the level of corruption in Ukraine: Monograph // Science, research, development economy. Management / TV Konstantinov, Walery Okulicz-Kozaryn; [edit] W. Okulicz-Kozaryn, Ph.D. hab, MBA, Institute of Law, Administration and Economics of Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland]. – Warsaw: Diamond Trading Tour, 2018 – 48 p. – P. 46 –48.
1. Bialystok School of Economics, Poland, Solutions of market conditions formation for self-development of entrepreneurship, 30.04.2019-12.05.2019 (Assoc. Prof. Karpinska GV)
2. Kyiv Institute of Intellectual Property and Law of the National University (Odessa Law Academy). Intellectual property, December 2018 (Senior Lecturer, Ph.D., Konstantinova TV)
3. Kyiv Institute of Intellectual Property and Law of the National University (Odessa Law Academy). Intellectual Property, October 2016 (Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Basyurkin N.Y.)
4. Kyiv Institute of Intellectual Property and Law of the National University (Odessa Law Academy). Intellectual property, December 2016 (Ph.D., Associate Professor TV Svistun)
5. “Educational process, modern teaching methods and organization of scientific research: experience of the International University of Schiller” (SIU – Schiller International University, Heidelberg, Germany, certificate July 2016 (Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Basyurkin N.Y. .)
Competitions of student scientific works
1. Preparation of students for participation in the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works (Scientific adviser Assoc. Prof. Savchenko TV).
2. Preparation of students for participation in the All-Ukrainian competition for student scientific papers and the International competition for student scientific papers Black Sea Science (Scientific adviser Assoc. Prof. Brovkina Yu.O.).
Participation in international scientific projects
1. DanubeChance2.0 Project “Second-chance entrepreneurship” under the Danube Transnational Program – Head of TAB (Assoc. Prof. Karpinska GV).
Participation in the certification of researchers as a member of the Permanent Specialized Scientific Council
1. Basyurkina N.Y. – Member of the specialized scientific council D 41.088.05 of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies.
2. Karpinskaya GV – Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Scientific Council D 41.177.01 of the Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research of the NAS of Ukraine.