Public lecture

    On September 7, 2019, at the Department of Business Management, an open lecture of Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Kolesnik Vladimir Ivanovich was held on the topic: "Work and salary", where the peculiarities of wage accrual in modern conditions and the prospects of its transformation in the f...

Topics of scientific research

Scientific direction of the department of business management on the state budget topics: Theme 1: «Study and forecasting of economic transformations of business structures in Ukraine» Scientific adviser: Doctor of Economics, Assoc. Basyurkina N.Y. Theme 2: “Investment Mechanisms of Regional Structural T...

External form of education

Distance learning is one type of study that combines the features of self-study and full-time study. This form of training is characterized by a phase. In the first phase, we obtain the knowledge base, educational literature and its study (induction session), in the second - the examination of the learned ma...

Methodological materials

The department actively introduces modern developments in scientific and methodological work into the educational process. The staff of the department are actively working on the development and implementation of modern teaching tools. Much attention is paid to improving the effectiveness of training through ...


Перелік навчальних дисциплін, які викладаються викладачами кафедри Назва дисципліни Кредитів Ступінь (ОКР, СВО) Спеціальність ПІБ, наукова ступінь, посада лекторів Біржова діяльність Силабус БД 3 бакалавр 076 Кривоногова І.Г., к.е.н., ст.викладач ...

Summary of lecturers

Summary of lecturers teaching courses at the Department of Business Management 1. Natalia Basyurkina - Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor. Disciplines: "Agro-industrial Formations in the Food Security System of the Country", "Project Management", "Theoretical Foundations of Foreign Economic Activity"...