Director of the Institute, Academician of the NAS of Ukraine Borys Volodymyrovych Burkinskiy addressed the applicants with a welcome address. The Dean of the Faculty of Grain Technology and Grain Business of ONAFT, Sergey Mikhailovych Sots congratulated the winners of the first issue of the educational program “International Grain Trade”. After the congratulation of the head of the graduating department of ONAFT business management, Basyurkina Natalia Yosypovna, the defense began.
All without exception, the presentation of the diplomas was bright, solving scientific, social, technical, economic and environmental issues of the enterprises of grain processing, bakery, meat and fish processing industry, restaurant industry and others.
Within the scientific schools of the Department of Grain Processing Technology and the Department of Business Management for consideration of the State Examination Commission and scientists of YPREED NASU presented a complex inter-departmental master’s work, the main head of which was Natalia Khorenzhiy, and ideologist – Sots Sergey Mikhailovych.
In this format, the combination of economic and technical specialties was the first to protect the diplomas required by society and intended for sale.
We sincerely congratulate our graduates and their leaders with good protection! We wish health, creative success, inspiration and good mood!